Made Easy

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Main Features

Farm to Fork

Streamlined requisitions and approved processes allow you to stay on top of supply.

Scalable & Secure

Suitable for single suppliers or an enterprise, Requzy™ scales with your demand.

Intelligent & Smart

Keep all the stakeholders connected, Report analyse and automate with ease.

Plan Your Produce

Requzy™ allows you to map out your produce cycle and allocations for the entire season.

Optimise Your Business

Keep Track of your buyers, shipments and payments. Execute your business with confidence

Discover New Markets

Widen the horizon of your market and increase your sales potential.
Sell more, Faster.

Our customers get results


Man hours saved


Time to Requisition


Attention to Customers

Ready to grow your business?

Experience growth, while significantly reducing cost and time to make or process a requisition.